May 14, 2002
Latitude 58° 18' N, Longitude 134° 23' W (Juneau)
Latitude 58° 25' N, Longitude 134° 33' W (Mendenhall)
Juneau, named after prospector Joe Juneau, is the only capital city in the United States that cannot be reached from the outside by road. You must either fly or arrive by ship like Eric did! There are several nearby attractions that can be reached by road once you are in Juneau, including the fish hatchery and Mendenhall Glacier. The Mt. Roberts tramway, within walking distance of the ship terminal, provides spectacular views of the city and surrounding area from the top of 1,760 foot high Mt. Roberts.
Click on thumbnails to see full-size pictures, which are still only 1/4 the resolution available on an 8 x 10 print at 300 dpi. Please let Eric know if you would like to order high quality 8 x 10 prints of these photo compositions.